All Episodes
Displaying 121 - 134 of 134 in total
Overcoming Hurdles to Real Estate Investing - Part 2 of 6: Down Payments
Part 2 of 6 parts. This one about coming up with down payments. Real estate investors in Fayetteville often face similar challenges, hurdles and obstacles? Like how to...
Overcoming Hurdles to Real Estate Investing - Part 1 of 6: Introduction
Real estate investors in Fayetteville often face similar challenges, hurdles and obstacles? Like how to come up with down payments, improve cash flow, get loans, find ...
Rent and Price Resiliency for Real Estate Investors
How much can rents go down in Fayetteville before you have negative cash flow? How much can property values (price) go down in Fayetteville before you have negative eq...
Real Estate Investing Shocks!
Real Estate Investing in Fayetteville? There are some things that could SHOCK you that you did not expect to happen. Find out what some of the most common shocks are a...
Marketing to Find Off-Market Deals
Interested in learning how to find off-market deals in Fayetteville? This class is a deep-dive into how to use marketing (and other strategies) to find off-market deal...
Real Estate Partnerships
Interested in learning about real estate partnerships in Fayetteville? This class is a deep-dive into real estate partnerships for each role... deal maker/syndicator, ...
Creative Financing and Real Estate Entrepreneurship
Interested in learning about creative financing and real estate entrepreneurship in Fayetteville? This class is a deep-dive into creative financing strategies like own...
Quick Turn and Flipping Properties
Interested in learning about quick turning and flipping properties as a real estate investing strategy in Fayetteville? This class is a deep dive into the strategy of ...
BRRRR Real Estate Investing Strategy
Interested in learning about using the BRRRR real estate investing strategy in Fayetteville? This class is a deep dive into the strategy of buying properties at a deep...
House Hacking Real Estate Investing Strategy
Interested in learning how to house hack in Fayetteville? This class is a deep dive into the strategy of buying properties as an owner-occupant with 0%, 3%, 3.5% or 5%...
Nomad™ Real Estate Investing Strategy
Interested in learning how to invest in real estate with little or nothing down using the Nomad™ real estate investing strategy in Fayetteville? This class is a deep d...
Buy and Hold Real Estate Investing
Interested in learning how to buy and hold real estate? This class is a deep dive into the strategy of buying income producing properties to buy, hold and rent out. In...
Real Estate Investing Strategies
Get a detailed overview of all the different real estate investing strategies. James covers all the creative financing strategies including owner financing, wrap finan...
An Intro to Buy and Hold Real Estate Deal Analysis
Follow along as James explains what to enter in each field on The World's Greatest Real Estate Deal Analysis Spreadsheet™ and where to get each value for each field fo...